Seasonal Living Can Cure You And Change Your Life || Health Revolutionaries EP #1

“We’ve evolved through seasons and through different cycles so that's the style we should be living in if we want ideal health. The more we come commercialized and industrialized a lot of those things have been lost.“

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Episode Notes

It's a blessing to live in the modern world.

We're able to eat fruits and vegetables in the middle of winter.

Buying raspberries in New York in February is something that we take for granted, and its something that our ancestors would be absolutely baffled by.

But what are the costs?

We have evolved with the seasons and nothing in nature is coincidental. When we eat the same foods year round we tend to go on auto-pilot -

We forget what is in season

We forget what foods even grow around us!

Before we know it, we our out of touch with our bodies and with our innate circadian rhythm.

4 Tips To Help You With Seasonal Living?

1. Fruits and Vegetables Are Healthiest In The Summer

“We should be eating a lot of vegetables in the summer. We’re at the end of the summer now so we’re looking at squash and zucchini. We are approaching tree fruit season so a lot of apples, pears, rock fruits. Those are all in season now too.”

2. We Should Primarily Be Eating Meat In The Winter Time

"Meat and wheat are your primary acidifiers. So when we look at pH they cause us more acidity in our bodies. In the winter time, that is when we would primarily eat those foods."

“One of the reasons we’re so sick as a society is because we keep our pH so low so we’re not able to fight off these pathogens that enter our body. But also pH has a relationship with our lymphatic systems and how our muscles react."

3. Cold Water Exposure Is Essential In The Winter Time

"Just like we talked about getting sunlight in the summer time, so we need to get cold exposure in the winter time. There is a biological NEED for it."

"There is a 300-400% increase in metabolism when you go into an ice bath. Theoretically, that means you’re burning 300-400% more calories by having a dose of cold!"

4. Living Out of Season Rises Our Cortisol Levels

"Stress raises cortisol levels. Cortisol is a fat based hormone that actually competes with our sex hormones. If a man is stressed all the time than more than likely he’ll have decreased levels of testosterone."