4 Tips To Help You Get Into An Ice Bath || Tub Time TRAILER

Ice baths have plenty of benefits, both for your mind and for your body. Here are 4 tips that will help you make it into the tub!

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Episode Notes

This article is going to cover how to get your body into ice cold water. There are many different ways to prepare yourself for cold water exposure. Once you start on your journey of creating a relationship with the cold water, you'll have your own way of doing things. How you get in the water. How you mentally you prepare. That's all you.

This is just my method and personal process. I hope this helps give you the courage to take the first step of this powerful and life changing process.

1. Make The Decision

The first and most important step is to make the decision to take control of your health, breath, and most importantly, your mind.

This is not a decision you can be one the fence with. When you are standing in front of a tank full of ice chunks, your brain is going to give you every excuse why you can’t and shouldn’t be doing this. Make the decision and don’t look back. I promise you; it will change your life.

2. Calm The Mind

Before I get in, the first step I do to calm and focus my mind is to take 6 deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth. A Japanese study found that 6 deep breaths will neurologically reset the mind. While taking my final breaths, I focus on step-step-sit.

As soon as I exhale my 6th breath I step-step-sit into the water and immediately take control of my breath by repeating the 6 deep breaths again. I do a heavy emphasis on the inhale through the nose and easy exhale out the mouth.

When you get in for the first time, your body might start to hyperventilate which would be the breath pattern of heavy emphasis on the out breath. The ha-ha-ha. You must focus and control the breath immediately. This practice is really all about controlling your breath and mind.

3. Surrender To The Cold

I’ve noticed from personal experience, it’s only painful within the first 90 seconds until your body goes numb, acclimates to the environment, and becomes calm.

I perceive the pain of cold water to feel like rubber bands being snapped all over your body.

To get the maximum physical and mental benefits, you must stay in the water for a minimum of 2 minutes.

After 2 minutes check in with your body and if the fingers and toes feel good, continue.

You must pay attention to your body and when your body says it’s done, you are done, period.

For the first time in cold water, I wouldn’t recommend staying in longer than 3:30. I feel beginners put the emphasis of difficulty on the method of getting into the cold, but in reality, the most danger and difficulty occurs during warming up, especially when “after drop” ensues.

When you first step out of the cold water, the blood that has been rapidly cycling through the heart and protecting the core is driven to the places of inflammation first, along with a red blood cell flush throughout the entire body.

4. Respect Recovery

Once the body is certain the threat has passed, the after drop occurs. This is when the remaining blood in the peripheral skin and extremities return to the heart causing a drop in the core temperature.

Common symptoms of after drop are violent shivering, growing faint, shallow breathing, and feeling unwell.

Please understand there is no increased physical benefits for staying in the cold longer than 2 minutes, but there is an increased danger.

Take it slow and observe how your body reacts while warming back up and that will be your gauge for future goal times in the cold water.

The longer you stay in the more dramatic and painful the after drop becomes.